Event Detail
SAFER Final Conference
Date 20 Sep 2021 14:00 - 17:00
Organisation CPMR/CRPM
Aim To present the rational of SAFER project for partners and its outputs. The pilot actions which supported the adoption of innovation in the seafood value chain will be particularly highlighted. The speakers should showcase how these pilots are replicable in other sea-basins and also highlight their perspectives and ambitions after the end of the SAFER project.

The event will take place on the 20th of September, from 14:00 to 17:00 CET and it is organised in the framework of the CPMR Fisheries Working Group.

This event will aim to understand the crucial role of seafood sector for regional economies, the challenges faced by the sectors and how innovation can solution them. The presentations will bridge with the experience of SAFER project and foresee avenues of discussion to support further innovation in the regional seafood value chain.

Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Greek, Italian and Spanish.

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Registration will be closed on the 16th September at 18.00 pm!

SAFER Final Conference
20 Sep 2021 14:00 - 17:00
To present the rational of SAFER project for partners and its outputs. The pilot actions which supported the adoption of innovation in the seafood value chain will be particularly highlighted. The speakers should showcase how these pilots are replicable in other sea-basins and also highlight their perspectives and ambitions after the end of the SAFER project.
The event will take place on the 20th of September, from 14:00 to 17:00 CET and it is organised in the framework of the CPMR Fisheries Working Group.

This event will aim to understand the crucial role of seafood sector for regional economies, the challenges faced by the sectors and how innovation can solution them. The presentations will bridge with the experience of SAFER project and foresee avenues of discussion to support further innovation in the regional seafood value chain.

Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Greek, Italian and Spanish.

Register Now!

Registration will be closed on the 16th September at 18.00 pm!
20 September 2021   14:00 - 17:00
• Georges Alexakis, Vice-Governor of Crete, Vice President of CPMR in charge of Maritime Affairs

• Claire Hugues, Regional Councillor of Pays de la Loire, Chair of the Fisheries Working Group

SAFER project – An example for CPMR regions to boost innovation for a more resilient seafood sector
• Jose Manuel San Emeterio, Programme Manager at ERNACT: Presentation of the SAFER project – How the SAFER project helped the sector on the ground to be more resilient, competitive, and sustainable

• A video on SAFER’s pilot action

• Miguel Fernandes, General Manager of FoodInTech: increasing innovation throughout the seafood value chain - presentation of the results of one of SAFER’s pilot actions

• Jorge Muyo, Director General in charge of Innovation, Cantabria region: how the project contributed to the regional RIS3 elaboration

• Q&A
Coffee Break
Examples of projects on innovation in the seafood value chains & perspectives of CPMR regions
Debate moderated by CPMR Secretariat

• Flevoland (North Sea Commission) – Jan Nico Appelman, Regional Minister of Flevoland

• Norrbotten (Baltic Sea Commission) – Nils Olov, Regional Councillor of Norbotten

• Galicia (Atlantic Arc Commission) – Antonio Basanta, Head of Cabinet, Galician Ministry for Maritime Affairs – General presentation of the case of Galicia on innovation in the seafood sector

• Marche (Intermediterranean Commission) – Laura Gagliardini, Policy Officer D 1/4, Fisheries and aquaculture Economy Department, Marche Region

• Western Greece (Balkan and Black Sea Commission):
Marios Prapopoulos, Associate of the Deputy Governor of Agricultural Development, Region of Western Greece – “Innovation in the seafood sector and funding opportunities for the new operational programmes” & Vasilieos Kokkinos, Postdoctoral Researcher and team member of the EXTRA-SMEs project (Interreg Europe), University of Patras – “The Interreg Europe Project: EXTRA SMEs”

• Q&A
Future Scenarios for boosting innovation in the Seafood sector in maritime and coastal regions
Debate moderated by the CPMR Secretariat

• Reaction from Birgit Van Tongelen, Senior Expert – Aquaculture, DG MARE – How the regional experience on innovation in the seafood value chain will be integrated in policy development

• Reaction from Mercedes Groba, Innovation Programme Manager, European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food – Opportunities for the seafood sector offered by the EIT Food Community

• Reaction from Dr. Niall McDonough, Director – Policy, Innovation and Research Services (PIRS), Marine Institute – How intergovernmental strategies such as the Atlantic Strategy can impulse a structural project on seafood at a sea-basin level

• Debate with members (moderated by CPMR)

• Summary of previous sessions and perspectives for a SAFER 2.0 project - CPMR
• Claire Hugues, Regional Councillor of Pays de la Loire, Chair of the Fisheries Working Group: conclusions and CPMR perspectives ahead of the CFP review
End of the Final Conference